
“What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in the immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come … ”
― Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Review: Regency Magic Abounds at the Jane Austen Regency Ball

Jane Austen’s beloved world blossomed into vivid life this past Saturday during the Jane Austen Regency Ball, an interactive theater experience presented by The University of Tennessee English Department and Knoxville’s First Take Theater Company. 

Review: River & Rail’s ‘Fat Ham’ — A Feast of Theatre

‘Fat Ham’, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2022, is loosely based on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet.’ Although the main characters have parallels in both and the conflict of father versus son is the common underpinning, Ijames takes the inevitability of family and societal violence on a different sort of journey in a different sort of vehicle.

Preview: River & Rail’s ‘Fat Ham’ Channels the Bard

One of the many reasons that Shakespeare’s plays are still with us both as literature…

Review: Spectacle Abounds in National Tour of ‘Wicked’ at the Tennessee Theatre

In a genre that often sees a show’s gradual demise once the original stars have moved on, ‘Wicked’ has enjoyed the opposite effect.

Review: River & Rail’s ‘It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play’ – Fabulous Holiday Theatre

For its December offering, River and Rail Theatre Company has chosen a work that is a delightful and entertaining contradiction in such a theatrical discussion—It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play.

Review: Traditions Get Even Better with CBT’s ‘A Christmas Carol’

CBT has been offering up various theatrical productions based on the Charles Dickens classic novella for decades, with many regular theatre-goers—and many occasional ones—making attendance a part of their own Holiday tradition.

Review: CBT’s ‘The Moors’ — Deliciously Dark and Atmospheric

BY ALAN SHERROD   A strange, old Victorian house on the edge of the bleak,…

Review: River & Rail’s Thought-Provoking ‘A Case for the Existence of God’

BY ALAN SHERROD   The last ten years, or so, have been big ones for…

Review: CBT’s ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ Enjoys a Sensational Second Trip

BY ALAN SHERROD   The show must go on, even when Covid deals out nasty…

Preview: CBT’s ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ Builds Up Steam This Week

Murder on the Orient Express Based on the Agatha Christie novel—Adapted for the stage by…

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