
Aram-isms: When the Conductor Speaks

Comments (6)
  1. Jen Bruce says:

    What a wonderful article! You totally capture Aram and what we love about him and how he makes us better performers.

  2. Sarah Henrich says:

    Thank you, Diana, for paying attention to the details that conductors strive to embody and that Aram does so well. This article is a beautiful and thoughtful description of the conductor’s craft.

  3. Linda Williams says:

    I love how Diana captures the experience of listening to the conductor and putting his words into action. Choral singing can be one of the most exhilarating experiences in the world, but only if everyone is singing as a cohesive group. Diana gives us a beautifully written glimpse of how it feels to be part of that cohesive experience.

  4. Kathryn Paden says:

    What I’ve noticed over the years of performing with the KSO, both in volunteer and contracted roles, Aram makes EVERYONE on stage feel valued, from the soloists in the front to the choristers and stagehands in the back, and all in between. He knows where everyone should be musically and logistically at all times, and makes everyone has what they need to feel successful. He has been such a treasure to Knoxville!

  5. Teresa Skinner says:

    A well written and insightful article. As a choral singer myself, I have experienced those glorious moments of making shared music. There is nothing like it! And the conductor is the key, the catalyst. I wish I had the opportunity to work with Maestro Demirjian! Knoxville is lucky to have him.

  6. Grant King says:

    This is my first season to sing with the KCS and Messiah was the first time under maestro’s baton. Reading this article brought back memories because I remember every incident you mentioned. I was mesmerized by watching how he could hear every instrument and knew how to balance all of us together. It is one thing to be able to get everything technically correct and another to make it art. Mr. Demirjian does both very well.

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