
Review: Marble City Opera Premieres Important Theatre in ‘I Can’t Breathe’

Comments (2)
  1. Mark Hill says:

    I Can’t Breath is a wonderful work with great promise. Superb performance. Kudos to Katherine Frady and MCO!

    But what struck me is that there were three black people in the audience. The opera world is so very earnest today about fostering diversity and social justice, integrating them into our social and artistic vision. This opera could not have been more topical on those subjects. It was composed by a Black man. Libretto by a local Black man. Conducted by a Black man. Sung by an all-Black cast. Staged in the very gut of the Black community with support of one of its most visible institutions. And yet, the audience was made up of the usual handful of young people, plus all the old and older. And essentially all white. The neighborhood of Black opera has gentrified before it has even been built. If we can’t engage a minority community with a work like this one, do we need to look at ourselves and consider that we may be just pandering to today’s latest trend? Do we need to realize diversity and attention to issue of social justice will not ensure opera a future any more than will putting on great productions of Verdi and Mozart? And then what?

    1. Alan Sherrod says:

      I agree completely.

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